Add-on, ExpressionEngine

Live URL

Get the current entry’s URL in your channel entry form! Great for clicking to view without live preview

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  1. Copy entire live_url folder to your system/user/addons folder.
  2. On your EE backend, navigate to Developer > Addons (
  3. Scroll to Third Party Add-Ons.
  4. Find Live URL and click Install.
  5. Add your settings, and enjoy!


  1. Create a field with the Live URL fieldtype.
  2. Add to your channel!

Live URL grabs the URL as best as it can following this prioritization:

  • If Structure is installed, we check there first.
  • Then we check Pages to see if the entry exists
  • We then check the Channel URL and assume the URL title is the final segment.
  • Finally, we take our best guess at the associated template structure.

In order to make sure you get the most accurate results, we highly recommend settings up your Channel URL in your Channel settings. This will ensure we can get as close as possible. Structure and Pages are easy, but if you are using standard EE set up, this will help get you a more accurate URL.


Channel Form

Once you add your Live URL field to your channel, the URL will display. Click it!

Template Tag

You can use this in your regular templates like a text field. This will create a text version of the URL without the a tags


We want to make sure you have what you need on this. Email [email protected] for help.